current motivational quote

"Yesterday you said tomorrow." —Nike

Monday, September 1, 2008

nike+ human race 10k

mai & mark @ nike+ humanrace10k o8.31.o8 in LA

Quick entry for now. More later.

We survived it! My official race time: 1:07'37" -- not bad eh? Mark ran it in 1:06'02"... pretty good. I'm just soooooo proud of us. We did it not only in under 75 minutes, but under 70 minutes!!! Yay for us.. and boy, I tell ya, LA was a blast! There were so many runners participating in this race. I believe almost 13,000 runners... quite the scene, pretty sweet actually. Kanye West was pretty good at the after race concert. Alright, more tomorrow. Night. :)

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  • Cardio (running, elliptical or rowing machine), at least 3x a week
  • Eat more healthy (plan more meals)
  • Complete one full round of P90X :)
  • Get down to 95lbs? okay, 100lbs first then!
  • Runners' legs (still striving for 'em sexy calves/legs!)
  • Flat tummy (still working on it)
  • Run my first half marathon??!! -- nike women's marathon (oct 2010)
  • Run/complete SF marathon's progressive marathon/5K in july (i can't do the half or full marathon, my leg's still not 100%)
  • Run nike+ humanrace10k 8.31.08

  • race results

    07/26/09: 3.1 miles -- SFM 5k 29:21 :)
    11/23/08: 4 miles -- great highway 37:48 :)
    11/16/08: 3.1 miles -- polo fields 5k 29:35 :)
    09/21/08: 4.5 miles -- lake merced race 46:56 :)
    09/14/08: 4 miles -- stern grove 4mile 43:20

    08/31/08: 6.2 miles -- nike+ 10k race! 67:38 :)
    08/10/08: 3.1 miles -- my first 5k! 33:20 :)

    7:30 (03/08/10 -- street)
    7:58 (11/20/09 -- 1 mi race)
    8:37 (11/16/08 -- race)
    8:50 (10/5/08 -- track)