current motivational quote

"Yesterday you said tomorrow." —Nike

Thursday, September 18, 2008

racing again this weekend

Mark and I will be running another race this Sunday. Again, it'll be part of the DSE running club little races they have almost every weekend. Last weekend we ran the Stern Grove 4-mile race and OMG... it was tough. It was the first race both of us did that included hills! That last hill was super grueling. I had to stop for the first time in a race, and that I hadn't done in like forever... since I've started racing again. Anyway, this weekend's race will be at Lake Merced which both of us have ran at least once before. To be exact, I've done it three times and Mark's done it twice. Our last times for it was under 50 minutes... so we're hoping to do better this time. Mark's race time for Stern Grove was 38:22... so if assuming he keeps his pace, he should be able to complete the Lake Merced 4.5-mile race under 44 minutes. And for me? Well, I ran Stern Grove in 43:20... which is a few seconds slower... so let's hope I stay within the 48-minute range to keep up w/ my current pace.

Anyway, I'm really hoping I do better this time. I mean, I should be familiar with the course... so hopefully that will help me?! I don't know.. I just know I'm a bit excited for it. Oh, Mark finally got running shoes... yes, FINALLY! He's been racing/running in his casual Adidas shoes. It's really funny cuz if you look at everyone's feet on race day, you can spot him out. He's like a sore thumb w/ his casual shoes.... while everyone has proper running shoes. :P

It's amazing, I can't believe he's really running with me. Mark hates running.. has always despise it just because. But what we've discovered after a few races is that we both love the after feeling (well, not literally right after cuz you feel sick and wanna puke after having just ran who knows however many miles).. but you know, the feeling after that. You really feel like you've accomplished something great. It's like climbing Mount Everest or something. I don't know how to explain the feeling quite exactly, but all I can say is... it feels fabulous afterwards. It's this crazy euphoria feeling.... something like that, I don't know. We both love talking about how we did on our runs, so it's great. I'm really glad Mark's doing this with me. He's been super! :)

Alright, enough said. Stay tune for the results this weekend! :)

Here's what I've eaten/plan to eat for today (i know i haven't been keeping up with this or haven't done that great lately):

- 1/2 cup brown rice (110 cal)
- lean ground pork w/ cauliflower, quick stir-fried (160 cal)

- something from Pazzo (450 cal)

- TBD (350 cal)


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  • Cardio (running, elliptical or rowing machine), at least 3x a week
  • Eat more healthy (plan more meals)
  • Complete one full round of P90X :)
  • Get down to 95lbs? okay, 100lbs first then!
  • Runners' legs (still striving for 'em sexy calves/legs!)
  • Flat tummy (still working on it)
  • Run my first half marathon??!! -- nike women's marathon (oct 2010)
  • Run/complete SF marathon's progressive marathon/5K in july (i can't do the half or full marathon, my leg's still not 100%)
  • Run nike+ humanrace10k 8.31.08

  • race results

    07/26/09: 3.1 miles -- SFM 5k 29:21 :)
    11/23/08: 4 miles -- great highway 37:48 :)
    11/16/08: 3.1 miles -- polo fields 5k 29:35 :)
    09/21/08: 4.5 miles -- lake merced race 46:56 :)
    09/14/08: 4 miles -- stern grove 4mile 43:20

    08/31/08: 6.2 miles -- nike+ 10k race! 67:38 :)
    08/10/08: 3.1 miles -- my first 5k! 33:20 :)

    7:30 (03/08/10 -- street)
    7:58 (11/20/09 -- 1 mi race)
    8:37 (11/16/08 -- race)
    8:50 (10/5/08 -- track)