current motivational quote

"Yesterday you said tomorrow." —Nike

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

i really want to do well

I must say I have to be a little proud of myself. Not only did I do well on my run last night, but I also did my own personal circuit training (about 30mins) and ate reasonably decent. I know it's not within the 1200 limit or anything like that, but under 1400 is pretty good.

So yes, I went for my jog yesterday during Laura's soccer practice. Like I said before about my last few runs, especially the first mile I get so burnt out. It must have been because I was running super fast or something. I know the last two races and this past weekend's run with Mark, my first mile pace was at 8:30 or 8:40 and that was really just burning me out. So yesterday, instead of running an 8:30 or so pace my first mile, I decided to take it slow. Instead, I ran a 10-min mile pace and OMG, what a difference! It felt so good... I felt fine. Even 2 miles into it, I was still doing great... still at my 10-min something mile pace (which is my overall average pace) I felt like I could run forever! I didn't feel sick towards the end or have that urge of wanting to stop with 400 meters to go. Instead, I really honestly felt like I could keep running. Anyway, I stopped at 3.5 miles... about 36 minutes or so. It wasn't too bad. I'm really glad that I decided to try a different approach (or more like what I have done in the past). I know the reason why I was burning out so much before was because I was trying to improve my pace... and turns out, that's really not going to do me any good cuz I didn't really enjoy my run (especially in the beginning and towards the end).

Alright, so my coworkers at work are doing this whole gym and Weight Watchers thing. It's really tempting, but I'm still trying to see if I can succeed with doing my own thing. I would love to join in on the gym stuff... but I figure, if I could just keep up with my usual runs during the week and keep counting calories, I'll be okay. It'll be very similar to what they're doing. Anyway, bottom line, I just need to really tone up... so gotta get those strength training exercises in. Period.

Well, we'll see where all this goes in due time. Stay tune. :)

Okay, here's what I've eaten/plan to eat for today:

- 1 slice turkey bacon (20 cal)
- 1 fried egg (75 cal)
- 2 pieces of leftover dinner turkey sausage (60 cal)
- 10 oz fat-free milk (110 cal)

- banana (105 cal)

- Lean Cuisine parmesan crusted fish (290 cal)

- string cheese (80 cal)

- rotisserie chicken w/ broccoli, salad + dressing & 1/2 cup rice (500 cal)

- brownie (450 cal)
- slice of homemade blackberry pie (300 cal)

TOTAL CALORIES: 1930 -- did terrible! :(

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  • Cardio (running, elliptical or rowing machine), at least 3x a week
  • Eat more healthy (plan more meals)
  • Complete one full round of P90X :)
  • Get down to 95lbs? okay, 100lbs first then!
  • Runners' legs (still striving for 'em sexy calves/legs!)
  • Flat tummy (still working on it)
  • Run my first half marathon??!! -- nike women's marathon (oct 2010)
  • Run/complete SF marathon's progressive marathon/5K in july (i can't do the half or full marathon, my leg's still not 100%)
  • Run nike+ humanrace10k 8.31.08

  • race results

    07/26/09: 3.1 miles -- SFM 5k 29:21 :)
    11/23/08: 4 miles -- great highway 37:48 :)
    11/16/08: 3.1 miles -- polo fields 5k 29:35 :)
    09/21/08: 4.5 miles -- lake merced race 46:56 :)
    09/14/08: 4 miles -- stern grove 4mile 43:20

    08/31/08: 6.2 miles -- nike+ 10k race! 67:38 :)
    08/10/08: 3.1 miles -- my first 5k! 33:20 :)

    7:30 (03/08/10 -- street)
    7:58 (11/20/09 -- 1 mi race)
    8:37 (11/16/08 -- race)
    8:50 (10/5/08 -- track)