current motivational quote

"Yesterday you said tomorrow." —Nike

Monday, June 15, 2009 + day 30 results

alright, just signed up for a new thing.. called "posterous". it's actually pretty neat. lets you add entries, audio, videos, pictures, etc to just about any social site such as blogger here, twitter, facebook, flickr, etc. or your very own posterous blog site via email. pretty neat. all you do is write an email and send it to they'll go ahead and post it to wherever you want it to show up. so yes, i'm writing this entry via my email to posterous and here!

okay, so let's see. oh, my day 30 of P90X was this weekend. i didn't quite see the results i'd like to see.. but that could be because my eating got kind of bad as the weigh-in/measurement day got closer. oh well.. i know i just have to try harder for day 60. let's hope i do, cuz it would just suck. i mean, all this hard work..? and nothing?

anyway, below's my day 1 and day 30 measurements:

day 30
weight: 97.8lbs
waist: 25.5"
hips: 33"
l/r thighs: 19.5"

yeah, i forgot to measure some other places, oops.

day 1
weight: 98.6lbs
waist: 26"
belly: 32.5"
hips: 33.5"
l thigh: 19.75"
r thigh: 20"

i can't remember the other measurements off the top of my head. will have to come back and edit this entry. :)

alright, that's all for now. let's hope i keep pushing play! :) actually kind of need to.. our annual socal trip is coming up next month. must look good in that swimsuit. still need to get a swimsuit! ahhh! let's hope they have my size. all the small ones are always the first to go. argh. =/

Posted via email from Mai's posterous

1 comment:

malinamartis said...

Hello. That's great excellent blog! beautifully done it.
online Men's health


  • Cardio (running, elliptical or rowing machine), at least 3x a week
  • Eat more healthy (plan more meals)
  • Complete one full round of P90X :)
  • Get down to 95lbs? okay, 100lbs first then!
  • Runners' legs (still striving for 'em sexy calves/legs!)
  • Flat tummy (still working on it)
  • Run my first half marathon??!! -- nike women's marathon (oct 2010)
  • Run/complete SF marathon's progressive marathon/5K in july (i can't do the half or full marathon, my leg's still not 100%)
  • Run nike+ humanrace10k 8.31.08

  • race results

    07/26/09: 3.1 miles -- SFM 5k 29:21 :)
    11/23/08: 4 miles -- great highway 37:48 :)
    11/16/08: 3.1 miles -- polo fields 5k 29:35 :)
    09/21/08: 4.5 miles -- lake merced race 46:56 :)
    09/14/08: 4 miles -- stern grove 4mile 43:20

    08/31/08: 6.2 miles -- nike+ 10k race! 67:38 :)
    08/10/08: 3.1 miles -- my first 5k! 33:20 :)

    7:30 (03/08/10 -- street)
    7:58 (11/20/09 -- 1 mi race)
    8:37 (11/16/08 -- race)
    8:50 (10/5/08 -- track)