current motivational quote

"Yesterday you said tomorrow." —Nike

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

i need a new job!

Okay, after my post last week about how I've been so exhausted and needed a break... well, turns out a break was given to me (whether I like it or not). My company lost a client, so they had to downsized. I went from a salaried employee to an hourly, 2 days a week employee. Sucks. My pay dropped dramatically! You can say I'm missing out on 65-70% pay. Really sucky, you know? I guess in today's time... everything's sucky.

Oh well, all's okay for now. I just need to start looking for things to do elsewhere before the holidays hit. In the meantime, I'm going to take it nice and slow. So far, so good... really enjoying all my time off, unpaid... unfortunately.

Anyway, stay tune.. we'll see where I am in a month or two's time. Let's hope it's something good and all of this is all a blessing in disguise. I truly believe everything happens for a reason. :)

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  • Cardio (running, elliptical or rowing machine), at least 3x a week
  • Eat more healthy (plan more meals)
  • Complete one full round of P90X :)
  • Get down to 95lbs? okay, 100lbs first then!
  • Runners' legs (still striving for 'em sexy calves/legs!)
  • Flat tummy (still working on it)
  • Run my first half marathon??!! -- nike women's marathon (oct 2010)
  • Run/complete SF marathon's progressive marathon/5K in july (i can't do the half or full marathon, my leg's still not 100%)
  • Run nike+ humanrace10k 8.31.08

  • race results

    07/26/09: 3.1 miles -- SFM 5k 29:21 :)
    11/23/08: 4 miles -- great highway 37:48 :)
    11/16/08: 3.1 miles -- polo fields 5k 29:35 :)
    09/21/08: 4.5 miles -- lake merced race 46:56 :)
    09/14/08: 4 miles -- stern grove 4mile 43:20

    08/31/08: 6.2 miles -- nike+ 10k race! 67:38 :)
    08/10/08: 3.1 miles -- my first 5k! 33:20 :)

    7:30 (03/08/10 -- street)
    7:58 (11/20/09 -- 1 mi race)
    8:37 (11/16/08 -- race)
    8:50 (10/5/08 -- track)